David A. Hayes

Researcher, Educator, Academic, Engineer

Stateless TCP

The Stateless TCP project was started to investigate whether a highly streamlined version of the TCP protocol could be efficiently used for DNS queries in the event that UDP may not fit the information in its standard sized packets with PV6 and DNSSEC. I worked on during my time at the Center for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology.

Archived project page:


Improving HTTP performance using "stateless" TCP

D. A. Hayes, M. Welzl, G. Armitage, Mattia Rossi

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), 2011, pp. 57--62

Improving DNS performance using "Stateless" TCP in FreeBSD 9

D. A. Hayes, Mattia Rossi, G. Armitage

CAIA Technical Report Series, 101022A, 2010